A gesturally based performance art for an audience of one with the Mi.Mu gloves.
With technical support from Professor Kelly Snook, Media Arts Technology, University of Brighton

‘54 Bones’ was presented at ‘Digital Gestures, Human Contact’, Onca Gallery, Brighton Digital Festival 2018.
A collaborative project with Duncan Cabral, Jaimie Moore, Dominic Rae.
Find out more at https://54bones.tumblr.com/

‘54 Bones’ is a gesturally based performance art installation for an audience of one. It uses gestural glove controllers to trigger and manipulate sounds, using a series of gestures and movements inspired by British Sign Language. The work aims to extend the ephemeral moment at which sound, language and meaning collide, resulting in a truly intimate, human experience for each person who takes part, leaving them free to interpret what the interaction means to them.